Installation: Lil is standalone but wish needs tcl/tk wrapper files that are by default located in /sys/lib/lil When the executable file name ends in 'wish', the file /sys/lib/lil/tkinit.lil is sourced. lil/wish command line options: lil/wish [options] file.lil ... Arguments are available to the script as: argc : integer count of the number of arguments argv : list of the arguments provided to the command line. -i : do not go into interactive mode after processing files on command line -c : execute next argument as lil commands Execute the following commands: mkdir /sys/lib/lil cp script/tk*.lil /sys/lib/lil for(i in 386 amd64) { cp bin/$i.wish /$i/bin/wish cp bin/$i.lil /$i/bin/lil }